Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Valentine's Day Love

Valentine's Day is a day for all those people you love and appreciate: grandpa, grandma, father, mother, daughter, son, sister, brother, best friend, colleague ... that cute girl that works at that local shop (just saying!).

We have lots of little trinkets to say, "I care and you're special to me" - all the while also stating, "I'm mindful of things like buying local and reducing my consumerism footprint".
Win win!

Also, here is a really delicious and healthy meal you can make your loved one - it has cute red cranberries in it, for festivity purposes.
Found here >> Quinoa Salad w Cranberries and Pecans
It's good and it's good for you!

P.S. We like this recipe with extra, extra garlic :)

Monday, January 30, 2012

February Mending Night with WORN Fashion Journal

A new year but the same old clothes, what's a person to do? Join the boys and girls of WORN & Freedom Clothing Collective this Thursday, Feb 2nd from 7-10 pm for Mending Night. 

Come mend coats, fix holes or work on any ol project that needs your attention. Not only will there be darning experts on hand, but also fantastic conversation, tasty treats and supplies aplenty. Worried that you don't have anything to mend? No sweat, come over and say hi anyways. We'd love to see you.

On these cold winter nights the last thing you want to do is be stuck at home with your chores.

Monday, January 23, 2012

A Collected Collection: The Discoveries of R.W. Brackley by Jessica Bartram

Jessica Bromley Bartram is now back, with a new array of whimsical and captivating creatures. Since her solo in 2010, "Farther’s Fascinating Freaks," Jessica has been busy envisioning and breathing life into R.W. Brackley: a Victorian sea explorer.

This exhibition includes an original watercolour portrait of R.W. Brackley and original illustrations of the sea creatures she discovered during her adventures. The exhibition will open on February 3rd, but here are some exclusive photos from before the works were mounted.

There is more where these came from: Jessica is also a zealous note-taker and diarist when it comes to documenting her art-making process. Follow the making of this exhibition via her blog here.

Join Jessica and us at the opening reception:

Friday, February 3rd at 8 pm

Freedom Clothing Collective

939 Bloor Street West

Exhibition runs until March 26th.

The Facebook invite is here & here.

A sister exhibition is also happening at Graven Feather Gallery: "A Collected Collection, Pt. 2" from February 1st to March 3rd. Check out their website for more information.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Animals House - the cutie ed.

here at freedom we love our animals!
 Here is a quick but lengthy glimpse and some beauties that fill our store.

one of my favourite pictures from >> boston.com
a rescued circus lion gives kisses to a woman who founded the shelter he lives in :) 

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Mending Night is Back!

So, you spent all your spending money at Freedom Clothing Collective to buy gifts for the whole family (and practically the whole block since you found so many awesome things). Your mother has never loved you more and you get chocolate coins in your mailbox, but face it, you can't really buy a new sweater. Even if it's all organic, locally made and would totally last for years.
That's fine. Really. Let's work on some up-cycling, re-purposing, and creative mending, shall we?

Mending Night is back and this time the Wornettes are bringing a serger for all your ambitious start-of-the-year projects! Join us tomorrow, Thursday the 12th, from 7 to 10 pm for a warm mending circle and a laugh or two.

Can't make it but would want to come for the next time?
Like our Facebook page here so you'll always be in the loop.