Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Inspirations: Get Started!

Inspiration is a term that people often associate with artists and creative minded individuals. Many do not realize that inspiration touches the lives of everyone and is a tool that allows one to open up their mind to the hidden beauty of the world around them.

My personal experience started with a dusty old sketchbook that I had abandoned months before in a creative rut and had given up filling it’s endless blank pages. Finally one day I picked it up again, flipped it open, and spontaneously decided to give up on worrying about keeping every page perfectly tidy.

I started with pasting together magazine clippings and photos. My random clippings soon bloomed into pages of collage and random doodles expressing my thoughts on what I saw and experienced around me. To me, it was an outlet for my daily thoughts and feelings. To others, it was a compilation of visual eye-candy that was amusing to flip through. I soon dubbed it my ‘Inspiration Journal’ and it became a tool that allowed me to open my mind to the smaller details around me.

This practice made me realize that looking for inspiration on a daily basis changes the way you see things and the way you appreciate your surroundings or the little details that are often taken for granted. It makes your mind more productive and keeps your imagination alive.

My journey to discovering the magic of daily inspiration has been gratifying, and I encourage others to join in on the experience. It’s simple, it’s quick, and it’s fun. Here’s how to get started:

Inspirations are ever-changing according to the places you travel, the people you meet, and the experiences you encounter. They are as personal and unique as you are. It can be as simple as a ticket stub or an old recipe. Try looking through the bottom of your purse, or through the drawers of your desk. Keep an open mind. Did you discover a cute new boutique? Snatch up their business card. It’s as simple as that.

Inspiration journals are a great way to record your daily musings and are fun to flip through afterwards. Stop by Freedom Clothing Collective for a great selection of attractive journals and notebooks. All you have to do is cut, glue, and paste. Don’t worry about it being neat and tidy – the less you analyze it, the better!

Inspiration boards are another fantastic way to display your creativity and insights. Their exposure gives others an idea of the thoughts running through your head. Check out the cardholder boards at Freedom for a stylish base for your project. It’s easy to interchange clippings and makes a great point of interest in a room.

More of a literary fanatic? Try posting inspirational quotes on one of Freedom’s chic restyled framed chalkboards. Make an effort to change it daily, and have fun with it!

It won’t take long to notice the benefits of this exercise and the way your eyes will start to open up. The world is a beautiful place and it’s important to be able to appreciate what’s around you. All lifestyles and age groups can benefit from a daily dose of inspiration. I encourage you to try it out, you’ll soon become hooked. Open up your eyes, and have fun.

~ by Megan Jana